Save Water: Daily Tips...

Save Water: Daily Tips...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Wars Of The Twenty-First Century Will Be Fought Over Water.

        It is very clear to everyone that water is very necessary for life existence on the earth. Our each and every activity for the life survival is related to the need of water. We are surrounded by the huge water bodies (around three-fourth of the Earth’s surface) on the earth, even after, we are facing water scarcity problem in many regions of India and other countries; because around 97% of the total water on the earth is salt water present in oceans, which is totally not fit for the human consumption. Fresh water is available on the earth only 3% per cent of the total water (of which 70% as ice sheets and glaciers and only 1% is available as clean drinking water means fit for human use).

      So, we all must understand the importance of clean water on the earth and try our best to not involve in the water wastage instead involve in saving it. We should save our clean water from the contamination and getting polluted from the waste materials of industries, sewage, toxic chemicals and other wastes. The main reason of water scarcity and clean water contamination is the ever increasing population and rapid industrialization and urbanization. Due to the clean water scarcity, people cannot fulfill their basic needs in the near future. In some of the Indian states (like Rajasthan and some parts of Gujarat) women and girls have to cover long distances to get drinking water. According to the recent study, it has been found that around 25% of the urban population does not have access to the fresh water. We need to join hands together to deal with the clean water scarcity through various best and most suitable methods by making the motto of “Save water, save life, save the world”.

SAVE WATER !!!!!!!

      Save water is the water conservation for solving the problems of water scarcity in the future. In many regions of the India and other countries there is much shortage of water and people have to go for long distance to get drinking and cooking water to fulfill daily routine. On the other hand, people are wasting more water than their daily need in the regions of sufficient water. All of us need to understand the importance of water and problems related to lack of water in the future. We should not waste and contaminate useful water in our life and promote water saving and conservation among people.
    Water is the most precious gift to the humanity by the nature. Life on the earth is possible only because of water. Three-fourth surface of the earth is covered by the water even after people are suffering from water scarcity in many regions of the India and other countries. Difficulties faced by the people in various regions because of water scarcity teach us to conserve and save water in order to protect the water environment, save life and save world.
      Water is the most essential source of life on the earth as we need water in every walk of life like drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, growing crops, plants, etc. We should save water for proper supply of water to future generations without contaminating it. We should stop misusing water, manage water usage properly, and maintain the quality of water.


        Fresh, clean water is a limited resource. While most of the planet is covered in water, it is salt water that can only be consumed by humans and other species after undergoing desalination, which is an expensive process. Occurrences such as droughts further limit access to clean and fresh water, meaning people need to take steps to reduce water use and save as much water as possible. In some areas of the world, access to water is limited due to contamination. People who have access to fresh water can take steps to limit their use of water to avoid waste.

The Why and How of Water Conservation
People should do their best to conserve water for three reasons. The less water used or wasted by people, the less clean water will become contaminated. In some cases, using excess amounts of water puts strain on septic and sewage systems, leading to contamination of groundwater, as untreated, dirty water seeps from the sewage system into the ground.
Water conservation reduces energy use and can even save households money. Most families pay to use water in their cities or regions. The less water a household uses, the less they have to pay each period. Appliances that use water, such as washing machines and dishwashers, also use a considerable amount of energy.


       Water consumption varies greatly among regions due to differences in economic development. The average municipal use in the United States is about 150 gal (568 l) per person per day, though the rate can be higher than 350 gal (1324 l) in some locations. This includes home use for bathing, waste disposal, and gardening, as well as institutional and commercial usage. Per capita (per person) water usage in Asia is only 22 gal (85 l) per day, and just 12 gal (47 l) in Africa.

  According to the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations,people have a minimum water requirement of about 5 gal(20 l) per person perday.This is the minimum amount needed for physiological rehydration, cooking, washing, and other subsistence requirements. However, the WHO estimates that nearly two billion people consume contaminated water. This carries a significantrisk of developing such water-borne diseases as cholera, dysentery, polio, or typhoid, which kill about 25 million people per year. Both conservation and sanitation are obvious necessities in meeting the huge demand for freshwater.Because irrigation accounts for 70% of the water used by humans worldwide, achieving a better efficiency of agricultural use is a logical step in advancing water conservation. This can be accomplished by lining water delivery systems with concrete or other impervious materials to minimize loss by leaking during transport, and by using drip-irrigation systems to minimize  losses by evaporation. Drip-irrigation systems have been successfully used on fruit trees, 
certain row-crops, and horticultural plants. Conservation can also be accomplished by improving the efficiency of utilization of water by crops, including the cultivation of plants that are less demandingof moisture.


  • Don't over-water landscaping.
  • Water your lawn or garden early in the morning or late in evening.
  • Adjust sprinklers so that they don't water the sidewalk or street.
  • Don't water on cool, rainy or windy days.
  • Equip all hoses with shut-off nozzles.
  • Use drip irrigation systems.
  • Plant drought-tolerant or low water-use plants and grasses.
  • Use shrubs and ground cover to reduce the amount of grass.
  • Place mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and discourage weeds.
  • Set your mower blades one notch higher, since longer grass means less evaporation.
  • Use a pool cover to cut down on water evaporation.
  • Use a bucket instead of a hose to wash your car.
  • Use a broom rather than a hose to clean sidewalks, driveways, loading docks and parking lots.


  • Check all faucets, pipes and toilets for leaks.
  • Install water saving shower heads and ultra-low-flush toilets.
  • Take shorter showers.
  • Never use your toilet as a wastebasket.
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator.
  • Rinse vegetables in a full sink or pan of water.
  • Fully load your dishwasher.
  • Rinse dishes in a full sink or pan of water.
  • Wash full loads of clothes.


       Kitchen sink disposals require lots of water to operate properly. Start a compost pile as an alternate method of disposing food waste instead of using a garbage disposal. Garbage disposals also can add 50% to the volume of solids in a septic tank which can lead to malfunctions and maintenance problems.